• home care    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 福桑聯合企業股份有限公司

      福桑公司成立於1973年,員工108人,從事Home Center, Home Improvement, DIY, Home Care, Silver Products等大型Store之行銷及供應業務。 在 德國/法國/日本/英國 設有行銷分公司,在 大陸杭州/無錫 設有辦事處。為加強產品陣容,另設有電子工廠,從事...

      電話:02-26567119    地址:台北市內湖區環山路一段28巷15號4樓地圖
    2. U CARE

      U CARE專櫃美容師:挑戰高薪,福利佳,有無經驗亦可,月休5天.面試時間 13:00-20:30 聯絡人:徐小姐 0919320676

      電話:06-2221716    地址:台南市中西區海安路二段12號
    3. 靜廬企業股份有限公司

      ... with a long tradition in producing aroma diffusers and fragrances for the home, commercial and public spaces. Serene House is an international brand which keeps creating the best air solutions for emotional demand of tranquillity and wellness with outstanding quality. We pursue perfection and bring...

      電話:02-87519681    地址:台北市內湖區堤頂大道二段15號2樓之2
    4. Leader English /Day Care Cente

      We were established in the year 2002.We are loooking for a responsible,caring,self-motivated individual to help us look after our students.If you feel like you want to be an educator,and you believe you have the passion,the drive to succeed,then please contact us at 0227710208

      電話:02-27710208    地址:台北市大安區Chi-nan Road Sect3,NUM9,1F
    5. Smart Care 智能醫學科技

      ...照護模式,並成功獲得經濟部技術處業界科專補助。Smart Care服務對象是以醫療院所急性慢性病患/企業員工/長照機構的健康管理為主,導入『家庭病房,遠端管理』Houspital(House+Hospital)的創新概念。使用者透過電話、語音、網...

      電話:03-3179599    地址:桃園縣桃園市經國路168號B1

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